First off, thank you so much for all the great advice on my last post!! I made changes on my registry and I plan on making a list of the things you suggested to pack for the hospital when it comes closer to that time. I love feeling more prepared! Knowledge really is power. It's easy to feel overwhelmed when I think about it all at once, but when I make plans and take control, it's easier to deal with! Did that make sense??
I officially have less than 100 days left until my due date! I remember when I got to the "been pregnant for 100 days" point and now it's only that much LEFT! Ahh it's coming up so soon! I am excited to meet this little girl who seems to love sweets! (According to how hard she kicks when I eat them.) I also believe she will be a little night owl like her momma. I can't wait to really get to know her!
We have made some good progress on the "Big Things To Purchase For Baby" list. Yesterday we drove around and picked up different things from people on Craigslist. We got so many good deals, I can't even believe it. Some people suggested that we wait until after the baby shower to buy things but I don't really expect anyone to buy us the really expensive stuff we need and I would rather not wait until the last minute! Control freak, remember?
So far we have:
A baby monitor with audio and black and white video- $40.00 (Savings? About $100-$150)
A matching baby swing and bouncer- $100.00 for both (Savings? Probably about $200?)
A stroller- $35.00 (Savings? Around $100.00)
A crib mattress- $20.00 (Savings? $60)
A crib- Free! (Savings? About $150- $200)
That's a WHOLE lot of savings, ya'll! I love it! All the stuff we have is either brand new or barely used, too!
We took a bit of a break from painting but I'm hoping to have the crib and dresser finished this week and then we can paint the nursery!

Oh my gosh, you saved SO much money using Craigslist! I need to do that if/when the time comes.
That's awesome! I don't think I mentioned a Pack N' Play. I'm not sure if anyone else did. You can find those used as well. It's a portable crib that folds up super quick and easy. Neither of my kids slept in their crib. They slept in their Pack N' Plays until they could crawl out. Every kid's different though. Enjoy all of your new goodies!
dang girl! You are a saving machine! Thats awesome! More money to buy cute little outfits :) :) Skype again soon please!
Wow that is definitely a ton of savings. I dont think anyone will buy me the really big things either so I already got my crib, change table, dresser and playpen, most were used and at great prices. Second hand items are my best friend.
Thats amazinG!!!! And what great deals! I can't wait to see everything come together for yalls little princess. :)
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