I'm not feeling very good today and I don't know if it's due to lack of sleep or if I am fighting something. Michael felt like he was fighting a cold all weekend but seems to be okay now, so hopefully we won't be getting sick. I have been getting headaches a lot lately and it's hard to fall asleep at night. Oh and it doesn't help that our upstairs neighbors party all night long on the weekend and stomp around 24/7 the rest of the time. I called the cops on them to file a complaint about the noise. Can you tell I have had about enough of the apartment life? The sleep deprivation is getting to me.
Here's a lengthy weekend recap for you (if you don't read all of it, at least skip to Sunday where it gets kind of exciting!):
On Thursday I got to hang out with my friend Jackie who was in town for the weekend for her husbands best friends wedding. I brought Jexi over and it was funny to see her with Jackie's family's German Shephard (who is the biggest of the breed I have ever seen- but the most mellow too). She was about as big as his head!
Friday and Saturday were basically just doing major spring cleaning around our place, getting some laundry done, and grocery shopping. I did go shopping at the mall on Friday night and came back with a cute shirt and new sandal wedges for work and church. Am I a loser for liking shopping by myself? It's a lot faster that way! I get to go at my own pace and go to the stores I want to go to. I really need to find some more shirts and skirts because my work and church wardrobe is really dated and I am feeling like I wear the same things over and over! I gave Jexi her weekly bath and she is nice and clean and soft again!
On Sunday Michael slept in because he needs to fight off this cold. He can't get sick especially since he tests tomorrow for another County Sheriff's Department and starting this Wednesday he is also going to be working 9 days in a row, 12 hour shifts because he traded shifts with someone and the guy who was supposed to work one of those days to break it up bailed on him and said he wouldn't have said he would work that day since it's Father's Day. Great. Michael is too nice to them. He is always taking their shifts and yet he won't ask anyone to trade for him. But I digress.
I went to my parent's ward (church) on Sunday to see my sister give a little talk and sing with a few other kids her age. I can't believe how grown up she is. She's graduating from high school this week!
After church I went to get Michael and Jexi and we went to meet with our new realtor. She was recommended by someone Michael went to his police academy with (who was also in our group on the cruise we went on last year) who just bought a house 6 months ago with her help in this area we are now looking in. We saw a bunch of really nice houses and we are excited and hoping that we might finally get a house within the next 3-6 months. That's about how long it's been taking them to get houses for their clients. That also means I won't have to work anymore and we will finally be able to start expanding our family soon! But let's not get ahead of ourselves here....
We placed about 6 offers yesterday. Cross your fingers and pray for us! I hope you had a great weekend!

Ooooh! I hope you find the perfect house. =) Look at you all ready to start a family! It's cute! Good luck lady.
Good luck on the house hunting!!!
Six offers?! What if more than one accepts?
Yay!! Happy Hunting!! My hubby and I were only married for 2 1/2 months before we moved into a house. I, too, was not for apartment life. Now it's almost been a year we've lived here, I can't believe it!
Can't wait to see pictures & see updates! =]
Good luck with the house hunting! I hope you get one soon! And I love the Roylance's dog! I want one just like him! I bet Jexi was cute next to him.
Be patient. Be prepared to give a paper trail. Create a file that you carry with you. And be patient. I know I said it first, but it bears repeating.
hope you find the perfect house!
Good luck lady! I hope you find your dream house!
My husband had the same problem. He would work for people, but they'd never return the favor. I think he's finally learned his lesson.
Woohoo I hope you find your dream home!!! Its such a stressful/exciting time!
I like shopping alone too sometimes! It really does go faster!
P.S. Good luck on the house hunting!
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