Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today is the 3 year mark of when Michael and I started dating!

{from the summer we started dating- at the county fair}

{a couple months of dating- beach}

{I think this is the month he proposed...}

We went to Chipotle and Yogurtland (frozen yogurt) door to door. He got Chipotle, I got yogurtland, and we met up and ate our different things. Then we spent hours that night just playing old school MarioKart and having so much fun together! We both knew that there was something there between us from that night on but we didn't kiss or anything! When we did end up having our first kiss about a week later (which is a whole other story!), we both knew even more so in our minds that this was something amazing! I'm so glad we continued to progress quickly after that because about 6 months later we got married!

So, just a little before our 3 year dating mark, we got our doggy! We never thought we would be living just like 5 minutes from that spot of our first date and have a little Chihuahua girl steal our hearts!

Michael calls this her "contemplating the complexities of life" look.

Feelin' pretty sad that she is in trouble for pooping on the bathroom rug. Yes, when she does randomly go potty in the house...it's kindly in the bathroom, lol.

Jexi welcomes me home like this! Please excuse my out of control baby talk! I just can't help myself!


~M~ said...

Happy dating anniversary!!

Cole Franke said...

Congrats on the milestone. Time really flies once you find "the one." I can't even really remember life before I met my husband.

JoJo said...

Awww so cute congrats! And Mario kart never gets old.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Super cute pictures. Have a graet day! xoxo.

Shelby Bukhenik said...

happy 3 years of dating!!

When you know its the real thing you just know!

Hepburn Hilton said...

You are such a good looking couple!
Happy anniversary!

tara said...

happy 3 years!! you guys are so cute!

Lourie said...

Congratulations!! Jexi is so cute. I love her little sounds.

Jenna said...

Cute story! Now I want to read a post about the first kiss! :) Love the video of Jexi.

Stephanie said...

love the pics of Jexi. puppy love is the BEST!

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