Thursday, May 20, 2010

Welcome Home, Jexi!

Yesterday was Jexi's first full day in her new home with her new momma and daddy! I couldn't have asked for a better dog. She is the sweetest, cutest, most loving and adorable dog! Her favorite thing is to either lay on our laps or lay in her little green bed we bought her. Jexi is already house trained! She doesn't really let us know when she needs to go though, so we just make sure we take her out every few hours. She started feeling better painwise yesterday from being spayed, which was a relief to all of us. We have been giving her antibiotics every 12 hours that we have to crush up and mix in with shredded cheese so she will eat it.

I still need to find her a vet in the area though so that in a week or so she can get her stitches out and her teeth cleaned (she has some bad tartar issues). She has already attached herself to me and I love it! I feel horrible leaving her when I need to go to work. Or last night when I went to the shrink. I got that note excusing me from the "no dogs" rule in our complex!

We took her to get her new tags for OC instead of LA and we need to call and change the name and address for her microchip. It was sad to be at the shelter to get the license for her because we could hear all the dogs barking in the back. We even saw a girl (who, btw, had her thong sticking out above her pants and under her clear view) asking if she could just drop off her dog for a week. She left without him. It's not a day care, lady! Some people make me so mad!

Then we went and got some dog food for Jex. We tried to see if she would be interested in the toys but she wouldn't take them. She doesn't like chewing on things either. I think she was used to soft food (that screwed up her teeth) so she wouldn't eat solid food right away or drink water until later last night. It's a huge relief to see her acting more normal lately. She just isn't motivated to eat or drink unless it's on her own terms...I'm not sure what to motivate her with now. I've always thought all dogs are motivated by toys or food and she doesn't care for either! Actually...she did like having bites of my chicken strips...

My mom and sister were nice enough to dog sit for me last night while I went to the doctors. I'm glad she is so easy to handle. She let's anyone hold her and pet her. She's perfectly content just being loved and doesn't care who's doing it! I'm sure it's a nice change of pace for her. She hasn't barked once. I haven't heard her make one peep the whole time I've seen her. She get's a little nervous around big dogs but she still doesn't growl or anything.

Oh yeah, one more thing! It's rude to say someone's dog looks like a rat right in front of them. Don't do it. I realize chihuahuas are not the cutest dogs in the world but I love her and it's not necessary to do that. It's like saying that someone's baby is ugly. Yes, there are ugly babies. But you would never say that, would you?! That's what I thought.


star said...

She will come around! I remember when we got Dooney, she wouldnt eat that much, we had to take the bowl to her! You are so lucky she is house trained! No messes!

I'm a full-time mummy said...

Hi Shelley!

Thanks for the follow! I'm here to return the favor! Btw, the picture on your blog header is so beautiful!

Shelby Bukhenik said...

Oh that is so rude to say!! My aunt calls my apretns dog ugly allll the time and its so mean. She sounds so sweet too so enjoy her!!

KW said...

YAY! i'm SO glad y'all got her!!! i know she'll be forever greatful for adopting her!!! um, the chick that just DROPPED OFF HER DOG!?!? people should have to pass a test before being allowed to adopt an animal. ridiculous. that poor little boy pup.

well i'm glad she has a wonderful new home, now you'll have to find her a sweet best buddy ;) please post LOTS of pictures of sweet little jexi, i just LOVE the doggie updates!!!

Lourie said...

No you should not come right out and say it. That's just rude. Your pets are like your children. And I have seen Jexi's pictures. She is not rat like at all. I think she is adorable. Congratulations!

alliehallmarr said...

Congratulations! I agree with Katie...lots of doggie pics pleeeease!

tara said...

yay!! now you have to post lots of pictures! :)

Emmy said...

Sounds like you are going to be great for her. And yes you never say someone's dog looks like a rat. Thanks for commenting on my blog today.

Anonymous said...

YAY for a new puppy!! :)

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