Friday, April 16, 2010

Gorgeous Blogger?! / Exciting News!

Krystal gave me an award! Wow, this is my third award! Is it sad how excited I am?? Thank you Krystal!!

The Rules:
•Accept and thank the person who gave it to you!

•List 10 things about yourself

•List 5 additional things you DON'T like

•Then pick ten people to give this lovely award to!
10 Things About Me...

  1. I have this weird thing where I have to use lotion right after I wash my hands. I hate the feeling if I don't. I also lotion everything after I shower every day. I love lotion!

  2. I'm a planner/list maker.

  3. I'm a dog lover without a dog! I can't wait until we can get one or two!

  4. I love the trail mix from Target. I can eat it all day.

  5. I had braces in junior high and now wear a retainer almost every night to keep my teeth straight! I have nightmares sometimes that my teeth are falling out. Or that my retainer is breaking into tiny pieces and I can't get them out of my mouth. Gross.

  6. I'm a bit shy but it's conditional. I am not shy online, but if I were put in a room of people I don't know then I would sit/stand there uncomfortably until someone approaches me and makes conversation.

  7.  Sometimes I write random poetry. Just for fun :-)

  8. I also get baby crazy sometimes.

  9. I worked at Dairy Queen in high school. Best. Job. Ever. just because of all the "free" treats! I had a friend who worked at Hollywood video and another friend who worked at Wood Ranch so on the weekends after we all got off work, we would have free movies, ice cream, and food! Good times.

  10. Considering getting breast implants. Maybe not any time soon, but someday. Don't hate me. (Grandpa, I'm sorry you had to read that!)
5 Things I Don't Like...
  1. Long lines...anywhere.
  2. Dumb drivers/Traffic
  3. Nightmares. I have them way more than I should!
  4. Spiders, of course.
  5. Not having a regular schedule with Michael. I wish we were like most couples and that we got to see each other every night and on the weekends!
I'm Passing This Award On To...
  1. Jessica from Domesticated Bliss.
  2. April from Dot..Dot...Dot...
  3. Kayla from Sense of Style is Eternal.
  4. Ashley from For The Love of Shoes and a Baby Too.
  5. Hotpants from Handbags & Handguns. (She just wrote a post about something you should all know about, as bloggers! It makes me replying to your comments a whole lot easier!)
  6. Kinsey from Kinsey Michaels.
  7. Katie from Life in the Fulmer Lane.
  8. Bella from Life with Mr. and Mrs. Z.
  9. Annie from Our Little Family.
  10. Brittany from Unexpected Surprises.
And can I just say how glad I am that today is Friday?! Man, this was a rough week!
Oh. And Blogger has been acting kinda weird lately. It won't show me all the blogs I follow and it sometimes doesn't let me add comments when I am moderating! Sad!

I have some great news!! Michael told me last night after I cried that I have to wait for everything I want that if we get an apartment with enough space and a back patio, then we can FINALLY get a doggy! I'm so excited! I'm also being a little cautious though because it seems like every time I get excited and my hopes up, they are false hopes! But the fact that he finally caved and is letting me loose on the doggy makes me a very happy gal!!

Have a great weekend! I know I will!!


Unknown said...

Awww, thanks so much!!! I heart the comments you leave on my blog.
And yay for the puppy news! Do you know what kind you want to get?
Have a great weekend!!

Kayla said...

Thanks so so much! I'll try and come up with good stuff for the blog world to know!!!

HOORAY for a puppy. I'm dying for one.

Anonymous said...

I know what you mean about Blogger. I'm almost 100% positive that I hit follow the last time I came to your blog. Anyway, I hot follow again.

And thank you for the award!

Sophia's Mom aka The Wannabe WAHM said...

You guys are so cute! I love that you have your first pic as a couple here!

Thanks so much for visiting my blog on my SITS Day! I hope you will stop by again soon.

P.S. I'm following your blog!

SurferWife said...

Congrats on your new bling! And I will totally give you my dog. She is a wild maniac and you two would probs get along better than her and I. ;)

Brittany said...

Thank you! You're amazing! :) Loving your blog, and loving getting to know you!!! :)

Jessica said...

Thanks Shelley! I'm so excited! Two awards in one week - stop me now!

It's been great getting to know you through the blogoverse :)

Rathi said...

Hieee Shelly,

I just came her from Brittany's. Your header picture is so beautiful.... and it is good i learnt a few things about you on my first visit here....

I am following your blog and i am here to stay....

Beautiful pictures.....

xo and try hopping to my blog sometime....

Have a great weekend

Jenna said...

Oh I'm so jealous you're getting a dog! I want one sooo bad too. Yay for you!

KW said...

thanks sweet girl! i'll be posting about it soon!!!

Aimee said...

Aww another award. Thats fantastic!! I liked learning more about you, especially since I am a new follower:)

I hope you get a place where you can have a dog. I want one really bad too but I live in a condo where currently we have 6 cats... yah don't worry im not a crazy cat lady. My one cat had 4 kittens so in 3 weeks I will be back down to 2 cats.

I must say I am quite surprised that you want to get brest implants...mainly because your Mormon... I want breast implants one day too... not too big just I dont want to be so tiny anymoe, I hear you.


Alison Kinsey said...

aww thank you for the award Shelley, it made my friday :) your blog is so cute. i am happy for you that you can finally get a dog! have a good weekend!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the award! And yay for a puppy!! :)

Anonymous said...

Ok, now I know why I wasn't getting your updated posts. My reader doesn't show that I'm following you. :( Weird.

Jen said...

Yay for a doggy!!

Lourie said...

I am right there with you on #6. I do much better online.

I will kill spiders for you.


Oh yeah, dumb drivers are the pits.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

I think Blogger has been messing with us all lately! Doesn't it know we need a break? Ah ha ha. Congrats on your award!

Kerbi said...

Super cute blog! Yay for awards!

recklessbliss said...

Hi again! I've just been kind of sifting through your blog and I had to tell you we are weirdly very similar haha! We're the same age, I also worked at DQ in high school and ate my weight in ice cream. I'm a list maker, have random bouts of baby fever and am a dog lover without a dog! It will be my first order of business to adopt one when my fella and I finally buy our house and get out of our tiny apartment.
Anyways, just wanted to tell you that! :)

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