Happy Tuesday, ya'll! I took a bit of a long weekend this week.
Friday...we just hung around the house and then we went over to Kristin and Daniels house for a couple games. We learned some new ones which is fun...but I was the only one about to fall over from sleepiness. I'm not a fan of staying up late on days where I got up at 4:30 am and went to the gym and then went to work all day. It made for a long day!!
Saturday we finally made it to the Newport Beach temple for some special time. We love going there and remembering our wedding day. Kristin and Daniel came with us too. I keep meaning to get a picture of all of us together but it never seems like a good time to be like, "Hey, let's get a picture of us!"
After the temple session we went to Knowlwoods for some yummy burgers and fries. Then we went back home and Michael and I went to the pool to lay out for a bit. I love California!! We had some errands to do so we went and bought our soon-to-be sister in laws bridal shower and bachelorette party gifts. We also bought Michaels brother, Jason some bachelor party goodies. Oh aaaand their wedding gift of course.
Since neither of them read my blog, I think it's safe to say what we got them. For her bridal shower I made her a shirt on Customizegirl.com that says Jason and Jocelyn est. 2010 in their wedding colors. I'm also giving her these flip flops that were given to me for my wedding but I only wore them once and I thought it would be fun to hand them down. They say bride on the top and on the bottom of the shoe. If you walk on the sand it leaves the word Bride on it. So cute! Michael is giving Jason a shirt also from that website that says "I (heart) my wife"...and a few necessities for a honeymoon! For their wedding we bought them a tent they registered for plus bug spray (for her) and a lantern. They will love it! I hope. :-)
On Saturday night we went over to my in laws house for dinner and we watched New Moon. Michael was a good sport. He had already watched it with me in the theatre!
On Sunday we had fun teaching our Sunbeams (3-4 year olds at church) about fish and why we are grateful for them. The lessons are pretty short considering they can hardly listen to us for more than a few seconds at a time before someone says something about going to the "aquadilum" (aquarium) or "we went to the snow *deep breath* and we did this, and this and this..." They are really cute and we have fun with them. It's exhausting and it kind of makes me respect mothers of sextuplets a whole lot more. How the heck does Kate Gosselin do it with sextuplets AND twins?! Man.
Yesterday I took the day off work for a "mental health" day. I have been getting these really intense, brief, migraines the last couple weeks. I don't know if it has something to do with lack of sleep or stress or what. I have a history of chest pains that make it hard to breath. I'm not talking heartburn here. I know what heartburn feels like. This is different. A stabbing pain below my left breast. They usually only last for a few seconds at a time and it happens when I am really anxious. The doctors have not been able to help with it. On Saturday before we went to the temple I had one that lasted for a whopping 20 MINUTES! I'm not kidding you. I was curled up in a ball until it eased enough for me to get ready to go. I don't know what's going on with me. But between the migraines and that episode on Saturday, I needed another day to rest. Michael was sleeping all day so I went to the gym, went to the pool and read (ahhh), went shopping (got some cute Easter things!), and came home to my hubby for an hour before he went to work.
So, now I am back at work and feeling a lot better. I hope you guys had a great weekend too!

Cute gift ideas! And I'm sorry about your migraines and chest pains! I hope you feel better!
I'm glad you took a mental health day, sometimes we just need those! I know :)
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