Due to Emily destroying my keyboard on my laptop, I am now resorting to blogging from my phone until I can get it fixed! So please excuse any typos because my phone doesn't want to cooperate.
I had a great weekend! On Friday Emily and I spent the night at my parents house and Emily had fun playing with my brother, her uncle Steven. I made a delicious pasta salad that I need to blog about with the recipe soon. Once Emily went to bed Steven and I just watched a movie.
The next morning, Saturday, Emily and I went to breakfast with my friend Sarah and her adorable little girl. Madi was perfectly content sitting in her highchair as Emily wouldn't sit in one place for long, threw fits, and refused to eat anything I have her so Sarah ended up with Emily in her lap feeding her her own breakfast. Oh man. It's a good thing Sarah is a sweetheart lol.
The rest of Saturday was spent trying to fix my car to we could sell the other one.
While we were getting ready for church, we had another incident with Emily getting in the shower fully dressed.
I discovered I can still use my laptop but it's difficult to type with half of the keyboard being buttons now instead of keys.

Well, for a telephone blog post...your formatting still looks great! Hope your computer gets fixed soon!
Taylor Brione
She likes the shower, huh? Ha!
LOL oh my goodness! Your poor laptop!
Oh my goodness!! Your laptop!! GAH!! I hope you can get a new one ASAP. And LOL at Em in the shower. Too funny.
Broken keyboard??? Oh "noes" as my friends would say!!! I'm sorry but that cutie pie fully clothed in the shower is too cute (I didn't have to deal with it, I know)... send her my way, anytime! (I have references!!!)
Oh she is up to all kinds of shenanigans! Thank goodness she's cute ;)
Ahhh, your computer! I hope you get can a new one soon. Blogging from the phone can be a pain!
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