Friday, April 12, 2013

I Love "Friends"

I've been a fan of the show Friends ever since my parents wouldn't let me watch it in high school. I started collecting the seasons and eventually they gave in and gave me the last few seasons on DVD for a birthday present, haha! I've watched them at least 4-5 times and I've gotten Michael to watch them with me a lot too. If he was gonna marry me, he was marrying into my love for watching seasons of my favorite TV shows. ;)

Anyway, I recently "liked" this page on facebook called Best of Friends. They post funny pictures and quotes from the series. I love seeing these pop up on my facebook feed. Enjoy!

*Dinosaur noise*

 One mississippi...

Have a great weekend, friends!! Ha, get it, FRIENDS?!? ;)


applesandglue said...

You're supposed to count Mississippi-less-ly! :)

Such a great show, it never gets old!

Sarah @ Scissors and a Whisk said...

I just loooove this because I read nearly ALL of those in their actual voices :) I love that show. We have them on DVD, and since I'd watch them so often, I had many lines memorized! Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer said...

I LOVE this post so much. I was cracking up just at the pics. My husband just said, you and that damn show, I swear! LOL

Meagan said...

You know I'm excited you told me about this page! I totally believe people that like the same tv shows get along better. My bestie and I were obsessed in high school. Her fave episode is the unagi one and she would call me when it was on. Love!

LWLH said...

Love Friends too!
Always watch the reruns on TV.

Anonymous said...

I still watch this show daily :)

Heather said...

I need to find this page!! I love Friends!

Rachael said...

Love this! My husband and I also have all the seasons though now when we watch it's usually just reruns on tv. I love all the pics, just hilarious and really brings me back. I miss it!

Lin said...

I watched Friends from the beginning to end & loved every minute of it. Love the re-runs on TBS :)

Sabrina said...

I'm absolutely obsessed with Friends. Every time I go for sushi, I HAVE to order unagi just so I can say it like Ross does.


Tracieg803 said...

I love Friends too! Those pictures are so funny. One of the funniest episodes was when Ross wore the leather pants :)

Deidre said...

That episode with the pink bunny is one of my favourites! I love Friends too, I find it really comforting on days when I'm sad.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely watch friends and this post is absolutely brilliant! Definitely off to like them on Facebook! Paige xo

Sheri Money said...

I had the same thing with my parents no letting watch it, except instead of just giving in they got hooked! I remember them walking in to turn it off, then lingering til a commercial (because they were totally entertained), then turning it off. Eventually, then would just come in to turn it off and end up watching the whole thing. So funny.

Amber said...

I LOVE friends!!! These are hilarious, I'm glad you shared. I was able to picture the episode it came from and laugh :)

Misty, Handbags + Handguns said...

This show never gets old.

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