Thursday, March 14, 2013

It's Ok Thursday

Hey, It's Okay...

Its Ok Thursdays

  • That I haven't had a chance to blog since Monday's giveaway because I've been busy playing matchmaker for a friend (which is so much fun but also hard work when you have to spend the night out of town to get a group together...).
  • To be proud of myself for working out again. I love the gym I'm going to and the classes! Feeling myself get stronger is so awesome.
  • To still enjoy eating dessert!

  • That I love cutting up fresh strawberries and bananas and storing them in the freezer to use in smoothies. We pretty much drink smoothies every single day! Emily loves them too!
  • That I think of blog post ideas way more than I actually write them.
  • To watch older TV shows! I love watching my DVDs of Friends, my sisters DVDs of Gilmore Girls, and lots of other shows on Netflix!
  • That I only wear makeup these days when I'm getting together with friends and family. Grocery shopping, gym, at home, etc.? Not so much.
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SEL said...

Great job on going to the gym!

thenerdykatie said...

I love playing matchmaker! I have had 3 matches get married :)

Michelle @ The Vintage Apple said...

I love playing matchmaker!!!! Did it work out?????

Lin said...

Playing cupid, huh? Hope it turned out well :)

And now I really really want slow churned ice cream. I mean, really, there isn't anything better. Ok I lied, maybe fresh fruit smoothies haha.

SkyMommy said...

I too write blog posts in my head WAY more than I ever write them down. Glad I'm not the only one who finds herself thinking in blog posts.

Erica said...

I'm the same with makeup ;) you save money that way haha

Postcards from Rachel said...

I love that you're playing matchmaker. :)

Erica said...

I seriously need to get motivated to work out. This cold weather on the East coast is not helping the situation. Great blog, btw ; )

Anonymous said...

Great job on going to the gym! I miss going. And yay for ice cream. I love that brand. :)

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

Ooh play matchmaker for me! I'm single ;)

I totally love Netflix for older shows. I had never seen Dawson's Creek until about 5 years ago and Netflix :O

Anonymous said...

I love how there's going to the gym with ice cream right under it. I am so the same way though! I work out so that I can eat what I want and now feel guilty about it :)

Unknown said...

Great job on going to the gym!! The weather is finally warming up enough for us to go on walks & I'm so excited!! Can't wait to get some exercise in! Oh & I love that you freeze the strawberries & bananas! I def need to do this! How long do the last for you?

LWLH said...

Oooh matchmaker matchmaker, make me a I always think of that song. :)

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