Monday, August 13, 2012

Weekend Update: Teething, Instagram, and H&M

 This weekend I finally broke down and installed Instagram on my phone. 
I know, I know. Just another thing to waste my time with. BUT I LOVE IT, lol!!

It's so fun to change the colors of pictures. I guess I hadn't done it for so long because I thought you would lose the original pictures and didn't JUST want the edited ones. 

Why didn't you guys make me get it sooner!? ;)

This weekend was kinda boring, to be honest. Michael has been working and sleeping nonstop for like a week now and will continue do that until Wednesday. Not fun.

Sleepy Michael and Jexi snuggles.

Emily is teething. She is getting her two top teeth in addition to the two bottom ones she has now. So, yeah! I've been just shoving chocolate down my throat in order to maintain some sanity this weekend. That, and I started watching episodes of Dawson's Creek on Netflix. I never saw it before!

Emily chewing on her chair straps.

I did visit with a couple of friends from church on Friday. Heather and I went over to DeeDee's house to see her before she has her baby girl. :)

And then church, of course. Emily fell asleep on the way to church and I didn't want to wake her up so we sat in the car until I needed to go in to teach my class in the second hour. 

Me, sitting in the car, not sure what to do. Carseat behind me. Sunglasses marks on my nose :)

I hate missing Sacrament meeting but I didn't want a screaming, tired, banshee of a child while trying to teach my class.

Oh, and Emily is slowly getting the hang of drinking from a bottle! She drank about 4 oz. at church from a bottle which is the most she has ever done in that short amount of time. Yay!

The things Mommy's get excited about. :)

I wanted to spend the giftcard for H&M (that I got for my birthday from my MIL!) online the other day and I found some really cute things!!
Can you tell I am ready for fall?

 When I went to checkout it wouldn't let me. It turns out they don't sell to the U.S online yet. 

I am hoping they have what I picked out in the store.

So, I guess this weekend was alright! I managed to keep from losing my mind and even had a little fun ;).


Courtney B said...

Poor teething baby :( I am not looking forward to that stage when we have our baby... ha ha!
I am still ticked off about H&M not shipping to the US! The closest H&M is 2 1/2 hours away from me :(

LWLH said...

I'm getting ready for fall too.

Amanda Wissmann said...

I LOVE INSTAGRAM...but since I don't use my iPhone as a phone, it's hard to keep up with it. If I ever get back on I'll find you. great pics :)

Poor baby :( hope it passes soon!

Anonymous said...

I feel your pain my poor Landon has 4 teeth cutting in right now and his poor gums are swollen.

I'm ready for fall too. Thank god for having such a cooler weather this week.

Leeann @ Join the Gossip said...

I hear teething is such a hard time :( Poor thing - you and her!

I recently watched Dawson's Creek for the first time as well (through Netflix) and got so obsessed lol.

Great H&M finds! I also got a gift card so I need to go shopping there!

Thanks for linking up with us! Sorry again for missing the tweet from you :(

henning love said...

i love love that bag you got, so cute! and ive heard teething can be challenging, hang in there momma!!

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Instagram can be so addictive! Added you. :) And I know it's not fair with H&M. I saw this exact bag in Europe this last month and was about to buy it but didn't. Now I know I should have. :(
How'd you like Dawson's Creek?! Brings back memories now. :) Loved that show.

Because Shanna Said So said...

Awe, hang in there with the teething. Been there and done it gets better! ;) And we are finally getting an H&M in Austin in a few months!!! I can't wait! Love your choices!!

Sami said...

Haha when you said you shopped online I was about to say.. what the heck I thought they didn't ship to the US but then I kept reading ;) Love that handbag though, it's better to shop in store with H&M sometimes because they can photograph things so well that they sometimes aren't as pretty in person. So glad I'm following you on the Twit now ;).. I'll go find you on Instagram! Thanks for linking up!

Lin said...

Instagram is awesome! I just requested to follow you :) Love the photo of you sitting in the car lol, looks like you're having SO much fun.

C said...

I love DC! I haven't watched it since it aired, but I think I need to again. I love that scarf!

Stopping by (a little late) from the linkup! :)
Christina at Easily Entertained

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