Monday, August 20, 2012

My Amazing New Job!

I haven't really been blogging much lately because I HAVE A NEW JOB!! Not the kind where I have to leave Emily and work all day in an office or somewhere either. I get to work from home and plan PARTIES. At said parties, I get to hang out, eat some snacks, and talk about yummy smelling scents, pretty candle warmers, cute little stuffed animals that have scented inserts, lotions...the list goes on and on! Basically, I get to GET PAID for PARTYING and selling products that are AWESOME. I love it!! It has been so fun to get all of my stuff together, clear out the office and put in my new work stuff, make invitations, and hand out catalogs and the invitations I (so proudly) made myself.

My first party is at my house on September 1st and I already have a couple more planned in addition to my launch party. A bunch of things are on sale right now because September is the beginning of the fall/winter stuff.

If you are interested in buying from me, visit my website. I have an online party going on so hurry to get the discounted prices!

And you should totally be excited for the fall/winter stuff. They smell amazing!!


Stephanie said...

That's so exciting! You definitely need to take photos of the launch party at your place, I can't wait to see it.

Meg O. said...

Yay!! Come visit me and we can have a scentsy party :)

Heather said...

Good for you!

Jenna said...

Fun and good for you! I've always wanted to try Scentsy. Do I get an invite? We'll be in Cali for a month starting this Saturday. :)

Selma @ Crazy Little World Of Mine said...

Oh wow, this is amazing. Cannot wait for you to tell us all about your first party at your house. This will be fun!


I have been wanting to try some Scentsy products. I will have to order them from you :)

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