Let me just begin this post by saying that I do love my church. I'm always glad to be there and I love the feeling of peace and spirituality it brings to my life. However, going to church has been a struggle for us lately. Between having a baby, Michael working every other Saturday night, and it starting at 8:30 am, we have seriously been slacking in going.
Going to church with a baby is harder than I expected. It's three hours long, which isn't a bad thing normally, but with nap schedules and a girl that can't sit still, it's hard to get more than about 30 minutes of church in, even if we are there the whole time.
On Sunday we finally got ourselves to church. We sat down and then about 30 minutes into the first hour, Emily started getting fussy because she was hungry and it was her nap time. So, I carry her out with the diaper bag and head to the mothers lounge, where I see a couple of my friends (Rachel and Meagan) with their little ones too. No biggie, there are speakers in there so we can hear the meeting. While I am sitting there, feeding Emily (with my little hooter hider for modesty), she poops. And then she keeps going, and going, and going a little more. I groaned because, well, I will need to change her. Then....I feel it on my leg. I look down, and sure enough her blowout went out the back of her diaper and through her tights, dress, my skirt, and even my underwear.
I sit her up, accidentally exposing myself in the process, hurry and cover myself up, and Rachel grabs Emily for me. I put myself together, and Rachel helps me peel off Emily's dress, tights, and diaper. Then another momma and her baby come in the cramped mothers lounge. I had forgotten a change of clothes for Emily so luckily Meagan let me borrow one of her baby girls sleepers. Once I got Emily cleaned up and changed, I assess myself. Poop. All. Over. Me. I try and take wipes and wipe it off but it was no use. I had Rachel go into the meeting (she was sitting with her family one row behind Michael) and tell Michael to come out for me.
We went home, threw everything in the washer, I took a shower, and gave Emily a bath. Then we proceeded to luck out and all take a nice, THREE HOUR long Sunday afternoon nap.
Well, at least we tried.

Church is at 8:30?? Why not 9? Such a weird time!
And oh... blow outs are the WORST! At least you got a good Sunday nap out of it :) Haha, that was horrible of me to say! I love church too, PROMISE!
You aren't truly a mom until your baby has pooped on you at church, lol! Josie did that on her blessing day, all over the WHITE blessing dress and all over me. It was fun. It won't be the last time and probably not the worst. : ) Glad you can laugh about it now!
Holy cow, that's awful! I just read this to Jason and Ellie right now, and Ellie was giggling a bunch at the end of it. I hope I didn't just give her any ideas...I think I'm going to start bringing extra outfits for myself to church! It never occurred to me before that I might need them. Sorry that happened, but I'm glad you got a nap! :)
Did you tell her she did a good job? It's important to encourage her when she works so hard at it. :)
Oh no! At church- I have had worse. I had a poop explosion on me during a flight to Hawaii mid flight in a very crowded flight. It happens- it makes us moms,right?
Oh man...when S was BFing exclusively she would have the WORST blow outs. The same thing happened when I went to visit my friend at Apple's corporate office...we have no extra change of clothes..she went naked. Whoops!
Ah yes the public all over everyone blowout! Are the diapers you are using ok are does she have frequent blow outs?
Oh. My. God. I'm never going to church again.
Totally kidding. Hahaha. I am so sorry!!!!
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