Thursday, December 1, 2011

A Walk In A Park

Since we were staying with family all of last week, there were a bunch of things we did to get out of the house. On Tuesday night I went to dinner with some girlfriends. On Wednesday we had Michaels family Thanksgiving and then I went to see Breaking Dawn with his mom, my SIL, and my sister. Then when we got back to the house my friend Kelli came over to see Emily and me for a bit. Thursday was Thanksgiving at my parents house, and Friday we went for a walk at a nearby park.

 My moms fanny pack cracks me up. I think it was for the doggy doo-doo.

Jexi got we put her in the foot of the stroller.


Anonymous said...

Love the first picture of your family! So beautiful

Nicole J @ Pampers & Pumps said...

I love Emily's hat!

Meg O. said...

How fun! I love Em's hat :)

SEL said...

What cute pics!! Looks like you had a beautiful day outdoors.

Unknown said...

Love her hat!

Unknown said...

The video wouldn't load on my phone, but I just got on and saw it, too cute! Scout rides in the bottom basket of the stroller when we go out!

Unknown said...

Shelley, you look great!

And props to your mom for the fanny pack! SOO much more convenient than a purse! I think they should come back!

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