Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Crib Time

Emily has an adorable nursery but so far she only takes naps in it. She takes her naps mostly in her swing, right next to her crib but every once in a while we can put her down in her crib for a little while until she wants to be picked up again. The picture above is (I'm pretty sure) her first time in the crib the week we came home from the hospital with her. The video below is of her actually enjoying a little time in her crib as she watches the projection mobile my mom bought for her. She makes all sorts of cute noises!


Amanda said...

Sooo cute!! :) I love seeing videos of the babes. She's getting so big!

Neely said...

I could just eat her up! But I wont :)

Jenna said...

What a doll! She's so sweet. :) We have the same mobile for Grayson. It's been great!

Venassa said...

Aww too cute. My daughter hasn't really been in her crib at all yet. It just seems to big and lonely.

Unknown said...

She's adorable!!

Unknown said...

She's adorable!!

Blissfully Burton said...

so cute! Harper hasn't made it to her crib yet either :)

Meg O. said...

This is so cute!! Getting me so excited for my baby girl :)

Nicole J @ Pampers & Pumps said...

Broderick still hasn't slept in his bedroom yet and he's over 4months old. He sleeps in the room with me in a bassinett until he can roll over easily. I don't think a lot of babies sleeep in their cribs right away, at least mine doesn't.

LWLH said...

Awww she looks so tiny in there :)

LOVE MELISSA:) said...

What a doll! I am so glad you are all doing well!

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