To the anonymous commenter who wrote this on my last post....
And I quote,
"here's a couple ideas... start blogging about different waxes, (brazilian, bikini,) laser hair removal, how that plays in to your lives...
Also, what impact does your religion have on your sex life, practices, etc. That stuff is interesting to me. I have been a reader in the past, but it was just not as fun for me recently. Bring back the youthful spunkiness! I am always curious how other women keep their hair, and how the religious aspects impact their marriages and sex lives. Before I was married, my husband and I talked about these things all the time, and I am now in school going to be a sex therapist, so I love to read about these things. Thank you!"
I can appreciate the blog post ideas, but considering that this is a public blog and my grandparents, parents, and in laws all read it, I don't feel that it would be appropriate to write about my sex life on here. That's the type of conversation that I would possibly have with a close girlfriend, not on a public website.
I'm sorry that my blog isn't as fun for you recently, and I hope you and others stick it out because things are about to get more exciting. But I understand if this isn't the kind of blog you are interested in. You can't please everyone!

LOL my parents DONT read my blog and I still wouldnt blog about that stuff!! Wowzers. I think you're still amazing. =D
I, for one, LOVE your blog just the way it is :) :) :) and don't really care to hear about ANYONE'S sex life...that's something special between a husband and wife and it should stay that way. There are less and less women keeping sex's an awful "trend".
Stay true to yourself. That's what a blog is about! You don't have to please anyone! So don't apologize!
LOL - that's too funny! I've never gotten an anonymous comment, but they are always interesting to read about on other blog! haha. That pic of Jexi is oh sooo cute.
Yikes. Some people have absolutely no couth.
I have gotten some of the shittiest things from "annonymous" screw them! You're awesome!
I still enjoy reading your blog!!! :)
Some people are total tools. Keep on bloggin'! One less (anonymous) reader might not be so bad! :P
Lookin forward to those exciting future posts. And please don't start blogging about the hair in your nether regions.
As the mother-in-law who reads your blog, I ditto Wendy's comments. :)
Wow, that's weird! I'm not sure if I have anonymous readers, but I'm glad they aren't telling me what to blog about!
My sincere apologies. I in no way meant to offend anyone, and if I did, I truly ask for forgiveness. As I stated, it is something I am going to school for and I like having other "Jane Q. Public's" perspectives etc. Again, my apologies, and I will make sure I do my best to not post offensive anymore
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