Monday, January 3, 2011

Ringing In The New Year...With A Drive By.

I know I am late in saying this, but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!

I'm so lucky to have been spending so much time with family the past couple of weeks!

There's been a lot going on and I promise I will try to do better about blogging daily. We took family pictures with Michaels family and as soon as my SIL Jocelyn gets them to me, I will post some! They turned out really great! We spent New Years Eve at Michaels parents house with all of his siblings and their spouses/girlfriend. We played lots of games and ate way too much candy!

We took it easy on New Years Day (we were so tired...) and then yesterday we went to church and then I went to my friend Heather's babys first birthday thing. She had two baby boys in 2010! Crazy! After that, I went over to hang out with the in-laws while Michael was working. We watched How To Train A Dragon. If you haven't seen it, SEE IT! It's such a cute movie!

P.S- ...pretty sure there was a drive by shooting a few houses down from us. What the heck! This is a nice neighborhood! Maybe someone's new year resolution to control their anger didn't stick...


Kassie said...

A drive by? So scary!! At least your hubs is a police officer, huh? :)

mrsashcake said...

2 boys in one year?! crazy! haha.. and loud :)

happy new year!

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