Friday, May 14, 2010

Day One in San Fran!

**Doggy Update**

We decided to move forward with adopting the little Chihuahua mix! The lady who I have been working with on this is taking her to the vet this morning. If she is healthy and not too old (I would be so so sad if we adopted her and then she died or something!) then we will have sort of a meet-and-greet on Sunday afternoon! We will hopefully meet up at a dog park, which should tell a lot about her too. We are very excited! We already have a name picked out for her, too. Just in case. I will disclose that little bit of info if and when the time comes!

**San Francisco**

I decided I really need to start my SF trip posts! Consider this Day One in San Francisco!

We flew up on Monday morning to the SF Airport and then we took my very first taxi ride to our hotel! Little did I know how jacked up the prices are. It was about $40.00 just for about 15-20 minutes! I was shocked! That's almost as much as one trip to FLY to SF! Oh and it was really dirty too. Oh well. You live and learn!

When we got to the hotel, I grabbed a bunch of brochures at the front desk. This is right before we saw our room. We had to wait a couple minutes because the room service lady was still in there. We were a little early checking in.

We were only in our room long enough to look around and then we headed out to explore the area. Our first stop was at a small convenience store to pick up some things we needed like snacks for our room and things we forgot to bring. Then we went into a bunch of stores like SAKS and Tiffany's that I would never buy anything in but it was fun to look. Then we went into the Macy's which was about 5 stories tall and on the bottom floor we found this jem. Ben and Jerry's! If you know us, you know how we like to eat!

Unfortunately I got sick soon after this. We were walking around and my stomach started cramping up so bad I could hardly walk. Thanks, Mom for that wonderful trait! Too much ice cream / cream. Michael still managed to take some pictures though. We still looked around in stores for a little while until I couldn't take it anymore.

A little cafe in the middle of an alley.

I hobbled with Michael back to the hotel and rested. I was mad at myself for spoiling our first day there! Michael found a Blockbuster a few blocks away and got some movies for us to watch. We didn't even really have dinner since my stomach was acting up so bad. You probably think that sounds boring but it was still fun for us to relax in our SF hotel, watching movies and just getting to be together on vacation! Our next few days there were more interesting than this. This day was mostly about getting our barings and looking around, exploring the city around our hotel.


suki said...

oh, how i wish you'd taken a tour with city guides... or maybe you did, but the alley with the cafe in the middle is called maiden lane b/c back in the day, that's where all the prostitutes would live, and they would holler down from the windows to the men below. the big fire took out most of maiden lane though...

:) glad you had fun!

Lourie said...

Ahh so sorry you got sick! What a bummer.

Shelby Bukhenik said...

I can't wait to see what else you guys did, I love San Fran!

star said...

Looks like you had fun up until you got sick! Looking forward to seeing more about your trip!

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