I have A LOT on my plate.
I might be getting an ulcer from all the stress.
Full time job in LA which makes about a 12 hour work day.
Gained weight from freakin' Easter candy. Currently trying to work it off.
Still no word about the house yet. Still waiting.
We just found out that my last employer stopped taking the federal taxes out of each of my checks. Now we need to pay about $1,000.00 out of our pockets.
That's how things are going right now.
Sorry for the downer post.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
I know I'm ready for it.
Our apartment manager told us today that next month they will be charging us $300.00 extra every month for a month to month lease. Unless we want to sign a 12 month lease for about $150.00 extra a month. Since we are in limbo with the house stuff right now there is no way we will be signing a lease. Looks like we will be looking for storage and a place to stay too.
I've been a downer too. Don't worry. It's our blog we can cry if we want to.
That's the pits. So sorry. We all have downer days...that's life. Just dwell on the happy things in your life and it will help to counteract all the unhappiness.
I also have long long days with a very long commute... but once I get home it feels all worth it.
Have a good weekend missy!
awww, that sucks :( Hope it gets better soon though! I have a good feeling about your house!
I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope you get good news soon about your house!
Thanks for the follow hun. You and your hubby are so beautiful together!
oh no!!! i know the feeling. it sounds like you're going through a super overwhelming time. i hope things get easier for you Shelley.
Its hard when everything seems so overwhelming. I hate when that happens. Sometimes I just have to break things down and keep it simple and just do whats in front of me right now at this moment. Keeping my fingers crossed for you!
Oh soo sorry about that. Your manager is a bully. I could be really ornery and advise that you trash the place. Haha! But I won't. I do hope you find and are able to buy a house soon. Home buying is a long and hard process. We just bought our first home this January.
Thanks for joining my site. I am following you now.
I'm so sorry. I hope things turn around for you soon and that stress load lightens!
You are one busy lady!! Hope you have a nice weekend!!! :-)
I left something for you on my blog!
Sounds very stressful! Keep your head up. Things will turn around.
Best of luck with finding a new place to live!
Stopping by from SITS! Don't apologize for a downer of a day - downers are when you're moping about trival things - these are real issues! I'm sorry you're having them all hit you at once.
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