http://blog.ocsd.org/post/2008/08/14/SSO-Class-37-Is-Ready-to-Be-Heard.aspxOh well.
Michael finally graduated a couple weeks ago from the academy! He was the
class chaplain and said the opening prayer. I was a badge pinner. The link
above has a video of the whole graduation if you want to watch it. I don't
think it shows his prayer but at the very end it shows me getting up to pin
the badge on him! It was really exciting. We had family and even a friend
come to watch and then we went to Chili's afterward to celebrate.
He has been working in the jails again (the same place he worked before the
academy)and is working night shifts. Soon he will go to a mini academy
called the "jail academy" (clever name, huh?) which is for those who...
you guessed it!...work in the jail.
In other big news... duh duh duh DUN! Michaels brother, Tyler, got his
mission call!!Michael thought he would be going stateside, I thought maybe
Europe, Jason had a dream that Tyler would go to an island off of the coast
of Venezuela. Well, yeah. Jason got it dead on. He got the West Indies
http://westindiesmission.com/. Crazy, huh? He's going to be leaving
on December 17th. That's a long time to wait.
Let's see...we have been working, trying to save up enough for a down
payment on a condo (our goal was to move out by Christmas) but it doesn't
look like that will be happening. :-( We did find one condo that we absolutely
LOVED in Lake Forest. It was two stories with two big bedrooms with walk in
closets, two bathrooms, inside laundry unit (with space to spare), a beautiful
pool right in front of it, and SO MUCH MORE. We really did love it. But we also
want to be able to afford monthly payments on Michaels salary alone. Looks like
we will have to save up just a while longer.
I have been counting my blessings that we both have good jobs and we are able to
even stay with his parents to save up for a place of our own. Otherwise we would
be stuck in an apartment for a long time and it would have been much harder in that way.
Alright, well sorry this blog was really scatter-brained. There has been a lot happening and not enough time or motivation to keep updating *hint hint*. :-)
Hope everything is well for all of you. We love you!
Here I go again, I goofed and had to rewrite my message over and over.
Nice photo :}
I sent your link to the grandparents.
Kids, things happen in their own time. Like growing up, don't rush things. What you experience now will prove to be great memories someday.
Love, Mom
Congrats to Michael for graduating!!
So cute! It sounds and looks like you're doing great! Congrats to Michael for graduating. That's really cool you got to be the badge pinner. What a good memory!
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