As I wrote before, Michael works for the Orange County Sheriff's Department. It's definitely taking a toll on him! He meets with his academy class a few days a week (even though he doesn't start the academy for another couple weeks) so he met with them yesterday to practice certain stretches, codes, memorization and fitness. It was from 8-12 and then he got ready for work and left around 3:15 to be there for his regular 4Pm-4AM shift. But when he got there, there was a note in his mailbox saying "mandatory over time" so he had to stay until 8AM. Then he had to get barely any sleep and go back to work for another 4-4 shift. It's happened before and it will happen again because he is covering for the other SSO's who either took off time before the academy to prepare or they already dropped out so he is covering their shifts. He is such a hardworking person!! I never realized how strong he was until he started working for the OCSD. And it's only just begun! When he starts the academy he will be gone from about 7am-5 or 6 PM and then after a long day working out and being yelled at, he will come home and have a ton of reports to do every night. They say they will only get about 3 hours of sleep a night!! INSANE! Michael is the type of person who needs his sleep too so I'm scared for his health mentally and physically. But I know he has a very good shot of graduating because he is already so physically fit and he is very intelligent. I know he has what it takes. The hardest part for him I think will be just trying to find enough time to sleep, study, work out, and still have time to spend quality time with me. Time management will have to become a great skill of his. I will help him as much as possible but it really will be mostly up to him to succeed. And let me just say how good he looks in the uniform!!
On another note, Michaels brother Tyler is an amazing guitarist!! He makes up lyrics and music and plays them so easily!! Well, he makes it look easy. He made up a song for our niece, Aubrey, and it is adorable!! It makes me want to cry every time. He also just made up a song for his long time girlfriend, Sara who is a sweetheart. My friend Lisa heard of his talent and gave him a poem/song she wrote so he could put music to it. If I knew how to attach clips of his music I would do that. Maybe later when I figure out how to really work this thing.

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