Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Take A Lookin' At My Cookin' #13- Easy Pizza

Easy Pizza

This doesn't really count as "cooking" to me because it is such an easy dinner but I know that I personally love to learn new, easy, and cheap dinners so I figured I might as well share this one with you!

We pretty much always have canned pineapple, cheese, and prego in our house so for this all I need is to go buy a loaf of french bread. Then you just cut the bread, slather on some sauce, sprinkle on a bunch of cheese, cover with whatever other toppings you like (we like pineapple on ours) and then put it in the oven until it is all melted and crispy.

Easy plus delicious!


Grab the code and share one of your favorite recipes too!

Then comment below and let me know you did!


Amber said...

French bread pizza sounds amazing!!

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